GIF vs. ODD: Which Format is better?

By Admin | Updated 23rd July, 2024


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GIF and ODD file types offer unmatched technical features, mostly incorporated into graphic designs and web developments. However, choosing an ideal file extension between ODD and GIF is tantamount to the area of application or usage, and users must be aware of each format's cons and pros. 

The article critically examines ODD vs. GIF features, including web browser support, compression technique, structure, file size, image quality, web performance, storage needs, animation, and transparency support.  

When is GIF better than ODD?

GIF images are smaller, download faster, and incur less bandwidth costs, while ODD images are larger, consume more bytes, load slower, and decrease online user experience. This makes GIF files ideal for creating humorous clips, online animations, and memes.

A GIF image can be easily animated because the designs of the adjacent pixels excite the appearance of the inconspicuous colors while adding noise to an image and decreasing sharpness while allowing various animations, images, and color backgrounds to be merged easily.

When is ODD better than GIF?

ODD images are cost-effective because they can be downloaded and installed freely, unlike comparable software suites, while GIF images are not open-source and incur additional downloading and installation costs. 

This makes the ODD file format suitable for detached online office suites and applications, including PowerPoint, Word Processors, and Spreadsheets. The ODD extension enjoys a wider platform, and web browser support can be easily scaled and converted to other file formats.    


ODD versus GIF Comparison Table 

Transparency Supports transparency Supports transparency
File SizeSmaller files than ODD files.Larger files than GIF files.
Image Quality Low-quality imagesHigh-quality images
PerformanceSmaller and loads faster than ODD.Larger and loads slower than GIF.
Structure Raster-based with nested boxes: File type box container, actual image data, and metadata. Vector-based: Has a single XML doc. and sub-docs. with pre-defined, custom, and user-defined metadata.
Animation Supports animations.Supports animations.
StorageRequires less storage space than ODD.Requires more storage space than GIF.
CompressionSupports lossless compression. Supports lossless compression.
Browser SupportWider web browser support. Wider web browser support.

Differences and similarities between GIF and ODD images

Differences and similarities between GIF and ODD images

When doing a GIF versus ODD analysis, the formats are discovered to be similar in transparency support, animation support, lossless compression, and browser support. They are dissimilar in structure, storage needs, image quality, file size, and web performance. 


GIF and ODD formats support transparency. A case illustration: ODD supports multi-sample pixels by encrypting lossless files with alpha channel transparency data. Its XML-aware support devices can show the hierarchy of transparent elements in a given ODD file.

In contrast, GIF supports many transparent backgrounds, allowing images and color backgrounds to be merged easily. The GIF89a supports alpha channel transparency, which enables some of the prearranged palette colors to be flouted while displaying images with many color backgrounds.

File Size

GIF vs. ODD file size

GIF files are smaller than ODD files. The ODD format is a vector graphic file storing a single XML document or multiple sub-documents. It compresses and stores multiple ODD files, making them larger than the GIF file. 

Moreover, ODD supports ZIP lossless compression, which encrypts and preserves the various files and directories with binary contents, resulting in larger files. On the other hand, GIF uses LZW algorithms that comprehensively compress files, resulting in smaller files than ODD.  

Image Quality

GIF images are of lower quality compared to ODD images. GIF images are limited to a palette of 256 colors, which restricts their color range and quality. Conversely, ODD images, being a vector format, can be scaled upward or downward without losing quality and resolution. In contrast, GIF images become blurry when scaled up due to their raster nature.  


ODD files are larger than GIF files. An ODD file stores multiple sub-documents in an XML file while preserving all file details using lossless ZIP compression. Thus, the GIF files load faster on websites, consume fewer bytes, and enhance user experience than the ODD files.


GIF vs. ODD file structure

The GIF files are raster-based, whereas ODD files are vector-based. Both file formats are structurally different, although certain technical features, including metadata and data, can be compared. For instance, an ODD file consists of a single XML document and a pool of several sub-documents. 

Each ODD file package stores a module of the entire document, each with a distinct structure using sub-documents. Moreover, every sub-document in a package has various document roots but stores a particular feature of the XML document. Its metadata has pre-defined, user-defined, and custom metadata. It comprises a file generator, title, description, keywords, printing, modification, creation dates, document template, hyperlinks, and editing cycles.

In contrast, GIF structure starts with a fixed-length header such as GIF89a or GIF87a. The file offers the logical screen descriptor and file version with fixed length but specifies the logical screen scales in pixels and more GIF features.

GIF logical screen monitors the size descriptions and Global Color Table. The GIF file is then divided into parts headed by a one-byte sentinel: the trailer, extension block, and image. The image module starts with a fixed-length picture descriptor that is the size of the global color table.  


GIF and ODD file extensions support animation and animated images. ODD only supports animations and scenes that render 3D objects through specific lighting and projection. Its main graphical markup for drawings is on the drawing page with layers, drawing objects, forms, and frames. 

On the other hand, GIF supports animation via its GIF89a, which has specifications capable of adding different enhancers to the GIF image file header and allowing programs to display GIF pictures in a looped series. It has images and frames that can fused to create simple animations.  


GIF data are stored in a compressed and interlaced format, while ODD data is encrypted and stored as spreadsheet files, Word Documents, Charts, and graphics in a standardized XML-based format. As a result, ODD files are larger and necessitate more storage space than GIF files.  

Both ODD and GIF files can be stored forever on File Systems, Content Delivery Networks, Base64 Encoding, Hard Drives, Cloud services, and Floppy Drives. However, the storage period in both cases hinges on the storage mediums used, handling procedure, and storage conditions. 


GIF and ODD file formats support lossless compression techniques, ensuring the resulting files are smaller without losing image quality. GIF uses the Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression algorithm, compressing images with simple graphics and flat colors by exploiting repetition in data streams.

On the other hand, ODD files use ZIP compression with the DEFLATE algorithm to compress their contents. These files can also be password-protected and encrypted, ensuring secure storage of their contents. The compression process involves creating checksums for verification and encryption purposes.

Browser Support

GIF and ODD are adaptable file types, widely supported by almost all web browsers, new and old. Besides, both formats enjoy universal support across social media platforms and software. IE, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Discord, Brave, Edge, Vivaldi, and Samsung Internet support ODD and GIF files. 

Converting GIF to ODD or ODD to GIF

Use Convertjack to convert GIF to ODD simply and automatically. This online conversion tool ensures that the resulting ODD files are open-source, universally supported by almost all web browsers and programs, and can be scaled down or up while retaining resolution levels.  

Convertjack is a reliable ODD to GIF converter, capable of generating smaller, web-responsive, high-quality, and user-friendly GIF files to ensure enhanced user experience, less storage demands, and faster image loading times.