What is ODD Image Format? History, Properties, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages

By Admin | Updated 19th July, 2024

What is the ODD file format?

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An ODD file or image is a binary file format for storing vector-based drawings and graphics. It is primarily listed as an audio file, but the file format can also be considered a Developer File in certain situations.

It is an open file format for processing Word documents, graphics, presentations, and spreadsheets using ZIP-compressed XML files. It is free from restrictions, royalty payments, or any other licensing.

ODD is a component of the OpenDocument Format, a standardized format for all office documents. ODD stands for Open Document Drawing and can be identified using file extensions such as .odd, .ods, .odt, .ott, .xml, fodt, .fods, .oth, .ott, .otp, .odm, .odf, and .odi, among others, at the end of the file name.

ODD files are also known as Open Document Format (ODF), OpenDocumet (OD), or Open Document Text File (ODTF). They have the ISO name ISO/IEC26300. The file format is unique because it can store drawing and graphics data in a uniform XML-based format.

It is also unique from other formats, such as JPEG and PNG, because it can create, store, and exchange drawings, illustrations, and graphics between applications or devices.

History of ODD Files

The ODD file format was created and launched in May 2005 by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS). The file format was created to support document exchange, viewing, editing, authoring, and archiving problems.

The problems were related to charts, drawings, presentation graphics, spreadsheets, texts, and comparable documents used or created using private productivity software apps. It was created to offer an alternative to propriety document formats or XML-based file format specifications for office applications.

The two physical types of ODD documents include the ZIP-based package form using the ZIP620 and the flat form, which comes as a single XML file. The uncompressed XML file or Flat XML comprises a single root of the Flat ODD file called <office-document> element.

On the other hand, the ZIP-based package document comprises various separate XML files within its ZIP-based structure with source modules, namely <office-document-settings>, <office-document-meta>, <office-document-styles>, and <office-document-content>.  

ODD was created as a universal standard format. Its usage and adoption has steadily increased across social media platforms, in office settings, and within organizations. Google, IBM, and Microsoft support ODD, increasing the popularity of ODD elements like word documents, PowerPoints, spreadsheets, and charts.

As an XML-based open standard format, ODD is the second most popular file format on the web after HTML-based file formats followed by PDF.

Properties of ODD Files


Properties of ODD files

ODD is an XML-based open standard file format for office documents, including spreadsheets, word or text documents, presentations, charts, animation, and graphic content. The file format is accessible and implementation-neutral with the following properties:  


The ODD file is a vector graphic format that stores drawing data and graphics in a standardized XML-based format. The file format assumes two structures: a single XML document and a collection of various sub-documents.

Each package in an ODD file stores a component of a whole document, each with a defined structure using sub-documents. Every sub-document inside a package comprises a different document root but stores a specific feature of the XML document.

The metadata of the ODD file structure includes custom, user-defined, and pre-defined metadata like editing cycles, hyperlinks, document template, modification, creation and print date, keywords, description, title, and generator.  

The structure also comprises two objects: non-XML representation objects like OLE and representation objects including drawings, text documents, spreadsheets, charts, formulas, and presentations.

The size limit of an ODD file is 128x128 pixels. The file format supports 8 bits per color channel and over 16 million colors. However, ODD version 1.2 legacy algorithms permit 128 bits, 196 bits, and 256 bits.

Bit depth dictates ODD image quality and resolution level. The wide color range and bit depth make ODD files high-quality. The file format supports multi-sample pixels in the packaged sub-documents.

ODD files support standard rendering and vector graphics, such as typography and graphic effects. However, their specifications hardly mention ICC color profiles. It is a scalable and high-image-resolutionhigh-image-resolution format.  


The ODD file format encrypts and stores charts, spreadsheets, Word documents, and graphics data or XML files in a standardized XML-based format. However, vector graphics are stored in SVG format, while bitmap graphics are stored in the PNG format as thumbnail.png.  

The simple DEFLATE algorithm significantly condenses ODD files, enabling organizations to store them for long periods. The low bandwidth connection requirements encourage the indefinite storage period of ODD files.

The ODD file package is stored in an XML file system called a manifest file. The manifest file is stored under the pathname META-INF/manifest.xml and stores various information, including styles, settings, meta, content, and Thumbnails.


The ODD file format uses the ZIP lossless compression technique. The file format archive contains various files and directories with binary contents. The lossless compression method significantly reduces the file size more than an equivalent Microsoft .ppt or .doc file.

Lossless compression allows for variable compression on ODD files. ODD compression is a step-wise process. A password-protected OpenDocument file retains its bundle structure while the XML file contents in the package are encrypted and compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm.

First, a checksum of a file section is ascertained and stored to enable password verification for encrypting. Second, a digest or hash of a user-entered password in UTF-8 encoding is generated and passed to the package component.

The digest creates a derived key by undergoing essential stretching with PBKDF2 using HMAC-SHA-1. A salt of arbitrary length, including 16 bytes, is generated through a random code generator for a subjective iteration count, for instance, 1024 by default.

The arbitrary code generator creates a random initialization vector for every ODD file. The derived key and initialization vectors are then used to encrypt and compress the ODD file contents.

The ODD compression is necessary for packaging various documents in a single file and storing them indefinitely for future reference. Firms with many documents can use the lossless ODD DEFLATE compression to reduce file sizes and share over low bandwidth connections.

The ODD compressed files are significantly smaller and minimize storage space. Sharing such files is easier because they load faster on the Internet, increasing user experience.


Editing ODD files

ODD can be edited using WordPad, TextEdit, Microsoft Office, Google Docs, OpenOffice, and LibreOffice, which are office software suites that support the Open Document format.

The ODD files or images can be scaled upwards or downwards to a desired size. Users can resize their ODD images using built-in office tools for both online and offline use.

To scale these files, use LibreOffice or OpenOffice tools or software such as TextEdit, SoftMaker Office, ONLYOFFICE, Okular, NeoOffice, Gnumeric, Evince, AbiWord, Calligra Suite, and Inkscape.


ODD supports animations and scenes rendering 3D objects through specific lighting and projection. The primary ODD graphical markup for drawings is on the drawing page, which has frames, forms, drawing objects, and layers.

The draw: Page elements in the presentation slides include animations and associated texts. Animated ODDs are more accessible to create than other animated formats, like animated GIFs.

Besides, animated ODD can generate renderings to 2D of 3D objects by defining light sources and projections, unlike animated ICO. Animated ODD is widely compatible with most devices and applications.

Animated ODDs lack features that enhance the customization of computer applications that support multiple color depths and resolutions, like animated ICOs. Besides, animated ODDs are meant for presentation purposes and are more significant than animated ICOs and GIFs.  


ODD files support transparency. The texts and structure of an ODD file assume the XML format and can thus be viewed without special tools. Both ODD and WEBP support multi-sample pixels, using their abilities to encrypt lossless files with an alpha channel that permits transparency information.

While the alpha channel acts as a further sample in the WEBP file linked to every pixel, indicating the file's transparency level, ODD's XML-aware devices can conveniently show the hierarchy of elements in an ODD file.

ODD uses attributes, elements, and parts with identifiable names. Essential tools can be used to interpret simple ODD documents.

Interpreting the semantics of the correspondence elements and some key features of vector graphics functionality necessitates familiarity with allied functionality and understanding specification texts and schema.

Best Use Cases of ODD Files

  • Suitable for use in proprietary and free software, including web-based and stand-alone office suites.
  • Suitable for individual applications, including presentations, spreadsheets, and word processors 
  • Suitable for data management applications such as Online Data Kit.

Unrecommended Use Cases of ODD Files

  • Unsuitable where storage space is limited
  • Unsuitable when malware detection software is deactivated

ODD Browser Support

ODD files are universally supported by almost all older and latest browsers, including: 

  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Vivaldi
  • Discord
  • Brave
  • Samsung
  • Apple’s Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge
  • Internet Explorer

Possible ODD Browser Errors

Your PC doesn’t have enough available resources to open the Coby Voice Recorder Data file.

  • Drivers associated with ODD software need to be updated
  • Windows Registry ODD file paths that are incorrect
  • The ODD file description within the Windows Registry was removed
  • Bad or incomplete or bad installation of a software application associated with the ODD format
  • Something has caused file corruption in your ODD
  • Can't Open ODD File Type
  • ODD file integrity has been compromised by malware

Advantages of ODD 

 Advantages of ODD
  • Cost-effective: The OpenDocument Drawing suite is a default option for OpenOffice, which can be downloaded and installed freely, unlike comparable software suites.
  • Easily Converted: ODD files are easily converted into other formats such as Microsoft Word and PDF.
  • Versatility: ODD files are compatible with Linux, Apple, Microsoft, and online software installed on tablets, phones, laptops, and desktop computers.

Disadvantages of ODD 

Disadvantages of ODD.


  • Limited Tool Support: ODD is not widely adopted, unlike other markup languages or data modeling formats like YAML and JSON.
  • Security: ODD files contain XML archived in zips, making them more difficult for anti-viruses to scan than other Microsoft Office files; hence, malware is undetected. 
  • Higher Memory Usage: Uncompressed ODD files consume more bandwidth in CPUs and memory storage devices when using OpenOffice than other suites.

How to open ODD files 

ODD can be opened using office software suites, programs, or word processing software that support the Open Document Format, such as WordPad, TextEdit, Adobe Acrobat, OpenOffice, Google Docs, Pages, Word, and LibreOffice.

ODD files are universally compatible with various programs and operating systems. For example, Android, Linux, macOS, and Windows operating systems support ODD files.

Users can open, view, and edit ODD files on mobile devices and desktops, depending on the software used. ODD is universally compatible with most operating systems, and organizations have made most of their products and devices ODD-compatible.

Converting ODD

Online ODD converters can convert ODD files to PDF, TIF, GIF, BMP, SVG, ICO, WEBP, JPG, and PNG formats. Use "convertjack" to effortlessly convert your ODD file to the desired format.


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