CAD Files Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1 Which is the most common CAD file format?

The most common CAD file format is DWG. 

To make a CAD file for 3D printing, do the following:

  1. Choose the best AutoCAD Software, such as Fusion 360 or TinkerCAD
  2. Download, install, and launch the program
  3. Start with the Design Concept
  4. Learn the CAD software (commands, tools, and user interface)
  5. Create a 2D sketch (Use arc, lines, and other drawing tools)
  6. Resolve or Extrude to give your 2D drawing depth and turn it into 3D
  7. Add Features and Details (Use Additional Tools to add dimensions, features, and details to the 3D)
  8. Apply Materials Textures and Materials
  9. Check for Errors
  10. Rendering (Export the 3D model to a dedicated rendering software)
  11. Save and Export (Save the 3D model in a CAD program’s native file format)
  12. Iterate, Refine, and Print

Programs that can open CAD files are Autodesk Viewer, AutoCAD web or mobile applications, IntelliCAD, GraphiSoft ArchiCAD, ProgeCAD iCADMac, CorelCAD, CADSoftTools ABViewer, DWGSee, and DWG FastView.

The common file extensions for CAD drawings are .DWG and .DXF. These formats are widely used for storing and sharing CAD data across various design and drafting applications.

To save CAD files to older versions in AutoCAD, follow the steps below: 

  1. Open AutoCAD.
  2. Go to the Quick Access Toolbar, click the Save As button.
  3. In the Save Drawing As dialog box, change the file name to avoid overwriting the original.
  4. In the Files of Type drop-down menu, select the desired older version of the DWG or DXF format.
  5. Click Save to save the file in the chosen older version.