ICO vs. JFIFP: Which Format is better?

By Admin | Updated 26th August, 2024

ICO and JFIF are old image formats with rich histories. They have transformed how files/images are created, stored, and shared on different platforms and systems. Nonetheless, choosing between ICO and JFIF can be difficult without a comprehensive understanding of both formats’ technical features and application areas. The article compares the key features of ICO vs. JFIF, such as compression techniques, animation support, image quality, file sizes, web performance, browser support, structure, storage requirements, and support for transparency.


Table of contents

When is ICO better than JFIF?

ICO images are high-quality, transparent, and support animations, while JFIF images are higher quality but do not support transparency and animations. This makes the ICO file format suitable for developing icons for applications and websites with simple shapes and colors.  

When is JFIF better than ICO?

JFIF images are smaller, highly web-efficient and require less memory space on storage devices, while ICO images are larger demanding more storage space. This makes JFIF suitable when there is limited storage space.

JFIF versus ICO Table Comparison

Transparency Supports transparencyDoes not support transparency.
File SizeLarger files than JFIFs.Smaller files than ICO files 
Image Quality Low-quality images than JFIF images. High-quality images than ICO images. 
PerformanceLarger and less web-responsive than JFIFs. Smaller and highly web-responsive than ICO.
Structure Vector-based with Icon directory, image mask, XOR bitmap, a block, and the AND bitmap. Raster graphic with JFIF marker data characters and a JFIF-compliant file. 
Animation Supports animations.Does not support animation 
StorageRequires more storage space than JFIF.Requires less storage space than ICO.
CompressionUses PNGOUT or TinyPNG lossless compression.Uses PackBits/ZIP, lossless, and lossy compression. 
Browser SupportLimited web browser support than TIFF.Wider web browser support than ICO.  

Differences and similarities between ICO and JFIF images

Differences and similarities between ICO and JFIF images

The ICO versus JFIF comparison table above compares the technical features. Both formats support lossless compression but differ in image quality, web performance, storage needs, structure, file size, web browser support, lossy compression, animation, and transparency support.  


JFIF, commonly used for JPEG images, does not support transparency. JPEG images are fully opaque, and transparency must be simulated using external methods, such as setting a matching background color in web design.

The ICO format supports transparency, including semi-transparent areas, anti-aliasing, and shadows, which are crucial for creating icons. ICO files can store multiple images at varying color depths and dimensions, with up to 8 bits of transparency (256 levels of transparency). This makes ICO a better choice when transparency and varying levels of opacity are required.

File Size

ICO vs. JFIF file size

.ICO file size is larger than JFIF file size. While JFIF files can be 4GB, they are smaller and have standardized structure than the multilayered ICO files. A single ICO file has no size limit, implying that multiple such files merged together can be very large.  

JFIF files support lossy compression with Discrete Transform Cosine Coefficients, Huffman Coding, and Run Length Encoding algorithms that minimize file sizes than PNGOUT or TinyPNG anchored on Huffman coding with the LZ77 algorithm ICO uses.

Image Quality

JFIF and ICO are high-quality image formats, but JFIF supports a higher bit depth than ICO. JFIF supports 24-bit images alongside different color profiles, including CMYK, RGB, and grayscale, all merged in prepress, while ICO supports 24 bits of colors and 8 bits of transparency.

While both formats support high-quality images, lossy compression degrades JFIF image quality. Lossy JFIF uses Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficients, Huffman Coding, and Run Length Encoding algorithms, which result in compression artifacts and lower image quality by deleting unnecessary file data.


ICO vs. JFIF Performance

JFIF files are smaller and more web-responsive than ICO files. They load faster online, consume fewer bytes, and optimize search engines than ICO files. This implies that users should choose JFIF over ICO for better website performance.


JFIF is a raster-based format, while ICO is a vector graphic format. Each format has a specific structural design, prompting the urge to compare the two image formats. An ICO file starts with an Icon directory (ICONDIR), which contains the ICONDIRENTRY structure for every image in the ICO file. 

The ICO format has an adjoining block with image bitmap data intently following each image file. The file has the AND bitmap – the XOR bitmap and an image mask. The ICO's image bitmap data is either in PNG or Windows BMP format, which excludes the BITMAPFILEHEADER structure. 

It has multiple or a single small image with unlike color depths/sizes. Conversely, a JFIF file has an APP0 marker, SOI with marker code values FFh E0h, and JFIF elements in the marker data. Its marker section has supplementary but non-compulsory JFIF extension marker segments, and the actual image information. 

Each JFIF marker has the FF and a marker-specific byte type. JFIF has separate markers signifying the start of every marker's subdivision. As a result, the different structural components highlights how vector-based format and raster-based file type significantly differ.


ICO file extensions support lively content and animations, whereas JFIF files do not. JFIF files lack multiple frames and pixels needed to create short animations. Conversely, ICO files have icon features allowing computer apps to be customized to support multiple color depths, resolutions, and animations. 

The built-in features allow ICO files to be animated. Its app icons are optimally displayed on different screen resolutions, which makes it informal for operators to launch and recognize the animated applications. Hence, users should choose ICO over JFIF for animations. 


JFIF files store bitmap data compressed using RLE, DCT and Huffman coding algorithms and uncompressed raster thumbnail image information. JFIF's lossy, lossless and PackBits/ZIP compression methods are more efficient and result in smaller files with less storage space needs than lossless ICO files. 

The compressed ICO and JFIF files can be stored indefinitely depending on the storage conditions, storage medium used, and handling process. Both formats use storage mediums such as file systems (folders, sub-folders, programs), Content Delivery Networks, Cloud, and Base64 Encoding. 


JFIF (JPEG File Interchange Format) supports lossy compression, which reduces file size by discarding some image data. This is achieved using techniques like the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Huffman coding, which efficiently compress the image by removing redundant data. JFIF does not support lossless compression methods like PackBits or ZIP, which are used in other formats like TIFF.

In contrast, ICO (Icon Format) files can include images with lossless compression, mainly when the images are in PNG format. PNG images use lossless compression algorithms like DEFLATE, which combines LZ77 and Huffman coding to compress data without losing image quality. While this results in larger file sizes than JPEG's lossy compression, it ensures that all image details are preserved.

For users seeking smaller file sizes and are willing to accept some loss in image quality, JFIF (JPEG) is the more efficient choice. However, for scenarios where maintaining full image quality is crucial, ICO files with PNG images are preferred despite their larger size.

Browser Support

JFIF is an up-to-date image format compared to the ICO file type. JFIF enjoys wider web browser support than the ICO file type. JFIF images are supported by Internet Explorer, Edge, Safari, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, and Samsung Internet, but they are unsupported by Brave, Vivaldi, and Discord. 

However, the last set of incompatible browsers requires additional plug-ins or extensions to be installed to support JFIF files or images.  Conversely, ICO files are compatible and supported by Opera, Chrome, Firefox, and Edge but incompatible with Safari and Internet Explorer.

Convert ICO to JFIF or JFIF to ICO

Convert ICO to JFIF easily using Convertjack. JFIF files are smaller, high-quality, and supported by most web browsers, applications, platforms, and systems. They enable users to embed image information, including time taken and camera settings. 

Convertjack is the most ideal JFIF to ICO converter. ICO images can be scaled upwards or downwards without losing resolution and quality levels. They support animations, lively content, and transparency.