GIF vs. HEIC: Which Format is better?

By Admin | Updated 23rd July, 2024


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HEIC and GIF formats have set standards for digital images or file types. Both formats are widely adopted or used by graphic designers and web developers as they offer different capabilities that are hardly present in other file types. 

Comparing HEIC vs. GIF regarding storage demands, compression, file size, structure, image quality, performance, transparency, animation support, and browser support is imperative to help users choose an ideal format for adoption.  

When is GIF better than HEIC?

All legacy and new web browsers widely support GIF images, while HEIC images are only supported by Google Marketplace and Apple Safari.  

Graphic Interchange Format is ideal for creating humorous clips, online animations, and memes. It is widely used across social media platforms and is compatible with most web browsers. 

When is HEIC better than GIF?

HEIC images are compressed using HEVC algorithms, which result in smaller, high-quality and universally supported images, while GIF images are compressed using the inefficient lossless LZW algorithms resulting in larger and less web-efficient images, with minimal online user experience. 

The HEIC file format is used to manipulate and store smaller, more efficient, high-quality online video clips with low bandwidth expenses, limited storage space demands, and improved online user experience. 

HEIC versus GIF Table Comparison

Transparency Supports transparency.Supports transparency 
File SizeSmaller files than GIF files. Larger files than HEIC files. 
Image Quality High-quality images compared to GIF images. Low-quality images compared to HEIC images. 
PerformanceIt is faster loading times than GIF.It is slower online than HEIC. 
Structure Raster graphic: Has comments and tags, image series, and EXIF/TIF files stored via indicators for display. Raster graphic: Has a header, screen descriptor, and color table blocks and ends with a trailer block.
Animation Supports image sequences and static image animations.Supports animations.
StorageLess storage space demands compared to GIF.More storage space demands compared to HEIC.
CompressionSupports lossless and lossy compression techniques. Supports lossless compression. 
Browser SupportLimited browser support.Supported by almost all web browsers.

Differences and similarities between GIF and HEIC images

Differences and similarities between GIF and HEIC images

GIF is a legacy format, while HEIC is the next-generation format. Both formats use lossless compression and support animation and transparency. GIF versus HEIC analysis also shows that the formats differ in storage needs, web browser support, performance, lossy compression, file size, image quality, and structure. 


HEIC and GIF file extensions support transparency. However, HEIC supports transparency just like the PNG format. It allows images to merge flawlessly with the dominant webpage background. HEIC supports optional alpha mask or plane transparency data. HEIC files are loaded as 64-bit when using 10-bit components or 32-bit when using 8-bit components. An alpha of 0 symbolizes transparent pixels, while an alpha of 255 means opaque pixels. 

In contrast, GIF supports alpha channel transparency through its GIF89a, which enables one of the prearranged palette colors to be disregarded. The alpha channel simultaneously processes the image to be displayed on a device and its transparent backgrounds, giving such images a professional look.

File Size

GIF vs. HEIC file size

Both GIF and HEIC store info-rich metadata and data in a single file. HEIC’s HEVC compression technique significantly minimizes file sizes. Besides, lossy HEIC deletes certain image data, making its files comparatively smaller than GIF files. 

Image Quality

HEIC image quality is comparatively higher compared to GIF image quality. HEIC supports 10-bit and 16-bit color components or files loaded as 48-bit per color channel by default. Besides, HEIC supports advanced image features like WCR and High-Dynamic-Range, while GIF only supports RGB color profiles. 

GIF is a low-quality file format because it only supports 8 bits per RGB color channel and holds a maximum or limited color space of 256 indexed colors. Thus, unlike GIF, HEIC’s bit depth makes its images crispy and visually impressive, increasing user experience across most platforms.  


HEIC files or images are significantly smaller than GIF files and images. The HEIC format uses Highly Efficient Video Coding (HEVC) compression algorithms, which result in smaller and higher-quality files than GIFs. 

Based on their smaller file sizes, HEIC files consume fewer bytes, incur less storage expenses, and increase web responsiveness compared to GIFs compared to GIF files. Therefore, HEIC files optimize search engines and boost online user experience.


HEIC and GIF extensions are raster graphics. HEIC files specify how images, image sequences, and metadata are stored in a container based on the ISO Base Media File Format rules. The format has Exif metadata, including comments and tags supported by TIFF and EXIF. 

HEIC has embedded TIFF files without image data but keeps specific image files marked as "items." However, all its files have a labeled number of items. HEIC further permits image series "tracks" to be compressed and stored in TIFF/EXIF files.

A GIF file starts with a fixed-length header in GIF89a or GIF87a format. The header is then followed by the logical screen descriptor and file version with a fixed length, stipulating the added GIF features. The logical screen scales in pixels and checks if the Global Color Table and size description exist. 

The GIF file is then divided into segments led by a one-byte sentinel with an image, extension block, and trailer. Its image module starts with a fixed-length picture descriptor specifying the presence and size of a global color table.


GIF files support animation or animated images, while HEIC extension supports still animation or image sequences. HEIC stores multiple metadata and images in one file, making it possible to create short animations. HEIC further stores image sequences that are playable as slideshows. 

On the other hand, GIF supports animation through GIF89a, a specification that integrates different enhancers into its file header and allows browsers to show most GIF pictures in planned or looped systems.   


HEIC files are smaller than GIF files, requiring less storage space. When processed under the correct conditions, data from both formats can be stored indefinitely. The files can be stored on personal computers, cloud services, smartphones, tablets, ISO-based media files, content delivery networks, and file systems. However, users should choose the HEIC format over the GIF format for minimum storage space demands.


GIF vs. HEIC compression

HEIC supports lossless and lossy compression, while GIF only supports lossless compression. HEIC uses the HEVC video codec, while GIF compresses image data using lossless compression with the Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW) algorithm—lossy HEIC results in a slight loss in image quality.

Browser Support

The HEIC format is a new format with limited platform and web browser support compared to the legacy GIF file type. For instance, only Google Marketplace, Google Workspace, and Apple Safari integrally support the HEIC file format. 

HEIC files are not yet supported in most new and older email and web browsers, including Samsung Internet, Chrome, Brave, Firefox, Discord, Opera, Vivaldi, Edge, and all Internet Explorer versions.  

In contrast, GIF files are supported by nearly every email and web browser, such as Vivaldi, Samsung Internet, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Discord, Opera, Safari, Internet Explorer, and Brave. Thus, for broader web browser support, adoption, usage, and compatibility, choose GIF instead of HEIC.  

Convert GIF to HEIC or HEIC to GIF

Convert GIF to HEIC files using Convertjack to relish the efficacy of HEIC images, which boast advanced and effective data compression using HEVC. HEIC images are smaller and high-quality and offer ample storage space, comprehensive image metadata, and seamless web performance compared to GIF format. 

On the other hand, consider using the convertjack tool, an outstanding HEIC to GIF converter, which ensures users enjoy the impeccable features of GIF format, including dithering, interlacing, and full retention of all file data through lossless compression.