Free online file converter for all format types

Our tool offers file conversion for all file formats in the cloud. No need to download any software

Most popular File type converters

Whichever file format you can think of, we have the conversion tool you need to get started.
Here are the main options:

Image converters

We help you change any photo, picture or image file extension to an alternative file format to fit your use in only a few steps. Common images formats include JPG, PNG, WEBP, SVG, GIF among others

Document converters

Our online document and data converters can help convert documents to documents such as PDF to Word or Document to Image, such as PDF to JPG.

Video converters

Our web converters can convert any video file format into a different video extension. Some of the common conversion requests include MP4 to MP3, WAV to MKV and DAT to MP4

Audio converters

Looking for super audio file converters? Try our wide variety of audio converting tools for quick changes from audio to video formats and vice versa.

Archive converters

Opening archive files without the right program can be hectic. That's why we offer a range of Archive converters to help you convert your compressed files into the format accessible to you. Common archive file options include Zip and Rar.

Presentation converters

We offer quick solutions to companies and individuals that make various presentations around the year. Simply select your current presentation format and the targeted presentation format and press convert.

Ebook converters

Wondering how to convert ebook formats? Our universal ebook format options are some of the best ebook file converters in the market currently. Convert to and from EPUB, AZW3, PDF, PDB and others easily.

3D File Converters

Convert 3D Files such as STL across different document, image or archive formats for easy opening and sharing when collaborating with your team or other company teams.

Why use our file conversion tools

Not all tools are created equal. Here is why our tools are your best choice for all your file needs

Easy to use

It takes only 4 quick steps to convert any file format. Upload files from your computer, google drive, dropbox etc, select the file format to convert to, click convert and download the converted file.

No downloads needed

Our website requires an internet connection and a computer or phone only to convert any file. You don't have to worry about downloading a desktop, Mobile App or chrome extension.

Maintain Quality

Looking for a media converter that keeps the quality of your files high? You are at the right place. We do our best to ensure the final image is similar to your previous one as much as possible, only in a different format. This applies for HD and 4K formats.

Variety of Options

We have thousands of converters on our website. You don't need to google file converters all the time. Our tools can convert just about anything when it comes to file formats. Simply bookmark our website and select any option your need whenever you get stuck

Bulk file uploads

Use Convertjack to upload files in mass and convert them all into different formats concurrently. Each of the files can be converted into a different format or multiple files can be converted to the same format.

Safe & Confidential

All images uploaded on our site are deleted every 1 hour. If you would like to save the files for future reference in a secure account, simply create an account and choose a subscription package. Paid packages allow you to upload large files in mass as an added bonus.

Quick Changer

Convert multiple files in different or the same format at the same time for faster results. Our tools will save you a lot of time.

Mobile Friendly

The tools are designed to be mobile friendly. They are accessible and usable across all Android phones and iPhones on any browser option

24/7 Support videos

Not sure how the tools work? We have created several help videos on You tube to help you out